Thursday, April 15, 2010

PAMS Plagiarism WebQuest

Your objective in this WebQuest is to learn more about plagiarism so that you have the knowledge, skills, and attitude you need to make ethical choices about your work!

Some of the questions you will consider as you complete the tasks in this WebQuest include:
· What is Plagiarism?
· What are some different forms of plagiarism?
· How can you prevent plagiarism?
· What are the consequences of Plagiarism?

Process and Tasks
You will complete the four tasks below. As you research each topic, write your notes on your Plagiarism Response Log. Be sure to list (cite) the sources you use on your Response Log in the “Sources” section. To make it easier for you to cite your sources, a unique Identification number (ID) has been assigned to each link that is part of this WebQuest. You may just write the ID numbers for the sources you use on your Response Log.

Task one: Define Plagiarism
Your first step is to develop a clear understanding of what Plagiarism is. To accomplish this, you will explore various definitions and characteristics, and read about different examples. As you read the material in the links below, take notes on your response sheet. Be sure to list the sources you use in the “Sources” section.

ID 1.1
What is Plagiarism

ID 1.2
Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It

ID 1.3
Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism
This site lists some examples of plagiarism.

ID 1.4
Columbia High School Plagiarism
This site defines plagiarism, describes different types, and offers recommendations on how to avoid plagiarism.

Task two: relevant vocabulary
Understanding certain words and concepts will help you in your efforts to prevent plagiarism. Find definitions for the following important vocabulary words. Write the definitions on your response Log. Be sure to list the sources you use in the “Sources” section.

· Common knowledge
· Quotation
· Paraphrase
· Citing a source

ID 2.1
Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It
See section on “terms you need to know.”

ID 2.2
From the section on “Plagiarism” in The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing by Michael Harvey

ID 2.3
Naples High School Library Media Center: The Library Media Center & Citing Sources
See the sections that answer the questions:
What does “citing a source” mean?When should you cite a source?What needs to be included when you cite a source?

ID 2.4
Important terms

and from the same website:
What is citation?

Task three: preventing plagiarism

In Task three you will identify strategies you can use to avoid Plagiarism. As you identify the strategies list them on your Response Log. Be sure to list the sources you use in the
“Sources” section.

ID 3.1
“Strategies for avoiding plagiarism” in Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It

ID 3.2
Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism
See suggestions and tips.

ID 3.3
Columbia High School statement on how to avoid plagiarism

ID 3.4

Naples High School Library Media Center: The Library Media Center & Citing Sources
Provides a summary of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
ID 3.5
Research Resources: Plagiarism prevention for students

Task four: consequences

Check the links below to read about the potential consequences of plagiarism. Think about how they might apply to you, and then document your thoughts on your Response Log. Be sure to list the sources you use in the “Sources” section.

ID 4.1
What is plagiarism & how can you avoid it?
Scroll down this page of the Ganada School Library to see some examples of consequences. Look for the section tiled:
There are many examples from a wide variety of areas. The first few examples have to do with students.

ID 4.2
Penalty for Plagiarism


Your grade will be based on the quality of your Response Log. Your grade will be based on:
· The accuracy of your responses
· The completeness of your responses in all five tasks
· The thoughtfulness of your responses
· A complete list of all your sources

Works Cited
"PAMS Plagiarism WebQuest." PAMS Plagiarism WebQuest. Web. 15 April 2010.